“KlickFix” Kicks-In
The “KlickFix” Sequentially-Deployable Lip Seal System increases productivity while assuring on-line capability in manufacturing, thanks to the Marshall, Gerstein & Borun LLP IP team who helped make this useful system become a worldwide reality.
Almost all centrifugal and rotary pumps require a sealing system to provide sealing integrity of the drive shafts carrying the impellers and protect against pumped fluid leakage. The “KlickFix” cartridge system is a new environmentally conscious alternative to mechanical seals and compression packing. Marshall Gerstein patent attorneys were successful in preparing, filing, and prosecuting U.S. & foreign patent applications on behalf of Ashbridge & Roseburgh Inc., a Canadian entity. These applications resulted in a number of patents covering the Sequentially-Deployable Lip Seal System embodied in the “KlickFix” seal system, and described as “The Future of Seal Technology.”
The “KlickFix” cartridge sealing system, manufactured, and distributed by James Walker & Company Ltd, aids in achieving environmental plant management standards by eliminating leakage, reducing power consumption and minimizing flush water requirements. The sequentially-deployable lip sealing system also significantly reduces downtime of shaft-driven manufacturing equipment. When a lip seal wears down, instead of dismantling the machinery to replace a seal, one of several pre-loaded back-up seals is deployed. The machinery can remain on-line, thereby avoiding significant disruptions.
The patent protection our Firm coordinated for “KlickFix,” in the U.S., Australia, Europe, Canada, Brazil, Mexico, China, and Japan, was instrumental in our IP Transaction team’s successful negotiation of a global patent license agreement with James Walker & Company Ltd., a U.K.-based multi-national company with a worldwide reputation for providing fluid sealing solutions.