May 1 – 2, 2023 | Pamela Cox Presenting at LESI 2023 | Montreal, Canada
Partner and Chair of IP Transactions, Pamela Cox, Co-Founder and Chair of Women in Licensing Alliance (WILA) will present during the LESI 2023 Annual Conference.
- May 1, Pam will host the year in review for the WILA Panel & Cocktail Reception highlighting the importance of mentorship.
- May 2, Pam will speak on the effective use of mediation, including to present a mock mediation with Charles Valauskas of Valauskas Corder LLC, Linda Kawano of GroupOptima, and Peggy Burns of Drawn & Quarterly and James Sobieraj of Crowell & Moring LLP. The session will cover key concepts and best practices for mediation and detail why mediation should be considered as part of any business’ dispute resolution policy.
Learn more about the LESI Annual Conference taking place from April 30 – May 2, 2023, in Montreal, Canada.
A long-time active supporter of advancing the licensing profession and governance, Pam is Past Corporate Secretary and six-year Member of the Board of the Licensing Executive Society International (LESI), Co-Founder and Chair of the Women in Licensing Alliance (WILA), Founder of LESI Life Science Advisory Board, and former Vice-Chair of External Relations Committee, Chair of LESI Life Science Committee, International Delegate for LES USA-Canada and Chair of the LES USA/Canada Chicago Chapter. Pam the former President of the Certified Licensing Professionals, Inc. and former Member of the Board. Pam is heading into her 10th year as an adjunct professor in Intellectual Property Licensing at Northwestern School of Law. Pam is also Chair of the firm’s IP Transaction Practice, the Women’s Committee and a member of the Marketing Committee.
Pam is talented at unraveling complex deal structures and devising creative agreement solutions. She focuses her practice on intellectual property transactions, protection, and dispute resolution for clients ranging from multinational corporations to non-profit institutions.