“Making Money through IP Deals, An Introduction to What is IP & How It Works for Business”
January 2015 – PresentationOn January 16, 2015, Pamela L. Cox, partner and chair of IP Transactions at Marshall, Gerstein & Borun LLP, will co-instruct “Making Money through IP Deals, An Introduction to What is IP & How it Works for Business” with Ada Nielsen, CEO of FOODEXUS LLC, and Tom Filarski, partner at Steptoe & Johnson LLP. The one day 2015 The Business BridgeSM Course, IP Business Basics 101 is hosted by ACG Chicago and LES Chicago/Wisconsin and will be held at the ACG Chicago Office, 200 West Monroe, on Friday, January 16 from 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM. The brand new course is designed as an introduction to intellectual property and how IP works for business. For more information on the course, click here.