Warning For Trademark Owners: Foreign Character Words Registrable In The .EU and .RU Domains
Companies that use accent marks in any characters of their marks should consider reserving a corresponding .EU domain name. Effective December 10, 2009, companies and individuals are able to reserve .EU domain names that incorporate accent and other diacritical marks. Reservations will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis. Early reservation is recommended to prevent potential cybersquatting.
In addition, companies that own Russian trademark registrations in Cyrillic characters should consider reserving a corresponding domain name in a new .PΦ extension being offered by the Russian registry of internet domain names. The Russian agency will give priority to owners of Russian registrations (including owners of international registrations that have been extended into Russia) if the owner requests a reservation by March 25, 2010. After that, reservations will be granted on a first come, first-served basis. Early reservation is recommended to prevent potential cybersquatting.
For further information or if you have any questions, please visit www.marshallip.com or call 312.474.6300.