
June 20, 2024 | Special Counsel Theresa Stadheim to Speak at Functional Claiming for Mechanical and Electronic Arts Webinar

June 20, 2024

Special Counsel Theresa Stadheim will be a presenting a Strafford live webinar, “Functional Claiming for Mechanical and Electronic Arts,” on June 20, 2024, 1:00pm-2:30pm EDT. The program will cover recent functional claiming court decisions and how they have been applied, functional claiming guidance from the PTO, benefits and risks involved with using functional claims, and best practices for using functional claims for maximum patent protection.

Theresa focuses her practice on drafting and prosecuting patent applications within the areas of wireless technologies, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and memory devices. Theresa first became interested in patent law when she was an electrical engineer performing electrical and software development. In her roles she interacted with in-house patent attorneys and was drawn to better understanding how to protect innovation.

Register here for Theresa’s webinar.

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