Marshall Gerstein Attorneys to Present During MATTER Legal Clinic
Marshall, Gerstein & Borun LLP attorneys David A. Gass, Julianne M. Hartzell, Roger A. Heppermann, and Jeremy R. Kriegel will walk through some of the common, and often costly, mistakes startups make regarding intellectual property during MATTER’s Legal Clinic:10 Common IP Mistakes and How Startups Can Avoid Them. The clinic will take place at 9:30 a.m. on Wednesday, November 4, 2015 at MATTER in Chicago, IL.
Using real-world examples, the panel will share strategies to avoid the missteps that can jeopardize your viability as a profitable business and limit your appeal as an acquisition or funding target. The Marshall Gerstein attorneys have counseled startup companies from the initial concept stage, helping them bring products to market, raise capital, and resolve litigation and other disputes that arise in the course of business. The panel will discuss: developing your IP strategy, navigating competitor IP, securing IP rights through proper agreements, making yourself attractive to investors, and preparing for potential litigation or avoiding it altogether.
To register for the event, click here.
MATTER is a community of healthcare entrepreneurs and industry leaders working together in a shared space to individually and collectively fuel the future of healthcare innovation. Its supporters seek to proactively connect and promote collaboration among entrepreneurs, scientists, physicians and industry partners from a wide range of fields including medical devices, healthcare IT, diagnostics and biopharma.