“The Complicated Intersection of Artificial Intelligence, Life Sciences and Intellectual Property”
March 1, 2023In an article published on March 1, 2023 in Life Science Leader, Partner Ryan Phelan discusses the recent growth in the intellectual property space with artificial intelligence-based patent filings addressing emerging trends, including disease indemnification and diagnosis, drug discovery, and personalized medicine and clinical trials. Ryan also discusses the challenges ahead for AI-based life science and healthcare.
“AI-based life science and healthcare trends are expected to continue, though challenges remain,” explains Ryan. “One such challenge comes from AI’s need for big data for the production of accurate and useful AI models. While big data is plentiful in life science and healthcare, privacy and ethical concerns in using such data arise. In several fields, the most useful information often can be personal medical data, which is difficult to access for a number of regulatory reasons.”
Subscribers may access Ryan’s full article “The Complicated Intersection of Artificial Intelligence, Life Sciences and Intellectual Property” on Life Science Leader.