October 9, 2018 – PresentationUnderstanding Patents - Answering Common Questions From Academic InventorsMichael Allikian, Ph.D., Heather Kissling, and William Merkel, Ph.D.2007"Processing and Assembly of the Dystrophin Glycoprotein Complex"Traffic 8(3): 177-83Allikian, M.J., and McNally, E.M2007"Reduced life span with heart and muscle dysfunction in Drosophila sarcoglycan mutants"Hum Mol Genet. 16(23): 2933-43Allikian MJ, Bhabha G, Dospoy P, Heydemann A, Ryder P, Earley JU, Wolf MJ, Rockman HA, McNally EM2004"Smooth muscle cell-extrinsic vascular spasm arises from cardiomyocyte degeneration in sarcoglycan-deficient cardiomyopathy"J Clin Invest 113, 668-675Wheeler, M.T., Allikian, M.J., Heydemann, A., Hadhazy, M., Zarnegar, S., and McNally, E.M.2004"Doxycycline-regulated over-expression of hsp22 has negative effects on stress resistance and life span in adult Drosophila melanogaster"Mech Ageing Dev 125, 651-663Bhole, D., Allikian, M.J., and Tower, J.2004"Genetic compensation for sarcoglycan loss by integrin alpha7beta 1 in muscle"J Cell Sci 117, 3821-3830Alliian, M.J., Hack, A.A., Mewborn, S., Mayer, U., and McNally, E.M.2003"Cytoskeletal defects in cardiomyopathy"J Mol Cell Cardiol 35, 231-241McNally, E., Allikian, M., Wheeler, M.T., Mislow, J.M., and Heydemann, A2002"The sarcoglycan complex in striated and vascular smooth muscle"Cold Spring Harb Symp Quant Biol 67, 389-397Wheeler, M.T., Allikian, M.J., Heydemann, A., and McNally, E.M.2002"Doxycycline-induced expression of sense and inverted-repeat constructs modulates phosphogluconate mutase (Pgm) gene expression in adult Drosophila melanogaster"Genome Biol 3, research0021Allikian, M.J., M.J., Deckert-Cruz, D., Rose, M.R., Landis, G.N., and Tower, J2000"Drosophila Studies"Encyclopedia of Stress, Ed. G. Fink, Academic Press Vol. 1: 753-55Allikian, M., and Tower, J.
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