
May 16, 2016 "Mock Mediation of a Patent License Dispute" LESI 2016 Annual Meeting – Beijing, China
November 2014Presentation “Agreements Used to Transfer IP for Medical Devices” AUTM Business Development Course
November 2014Presentation “University Jointly-Owned Rights and Inter-Institutional Agreements” AUTM Webinar
October 2014Presentation “IP Business Basics: The Business Bridge” LES Annual Meeting
July 2014Presentation “What Do You Mean My Idea Did Not Make Millions and Change the World?: The Art of Saying No Well” AUTM Central Region Meeting
July 2014Presentation “Securing IP for Regenerative Medicine: IP 101” Regenerative Medicine Essentials Course, Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine
June 2014Presentation “University Licensing from the Licensee's Perspective” Innovation to Commercialization (I2C) Fellowship Program
May 2014Presentation “Collaboration Agreements in Pharma and Biotechnology” LESI Annual Meeting – Moscow, Russia
March 2014Presentation “Time and Cost-Effective Approaches to Resolving Technology Transfer Disputes” LES Mid-Year Meeting
September 2013Presentation “Negotiating with Style: Using Negotiation Styles and Other Communications Tools for Better Results” LES Webinar
September 2013Presentation “Negotiating with Style: Using Negotiation Styles and Other Communications Tools for Better Results” Licensing Executives Society (LES) Webinar
August 2013Presentation “Speaking of Codes—Copyright & Open Source Software” CLE Presentation
June 2013Presentation “Considerations for the Faculty Entrepreneur in Licensing Intellectual Property” Chicago Innovation Mentors (CIM) Mentee CIMposium
April 2013Presentation “Global Pharmaceutical Licensing” LESI Annual Meeting – Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
February 2013Presentation “Mock Expedited Arbitration: Resolving Technology Disputes Outside the Courts” AUTM Annual Meeting
January 2013Presentation “Practical IP for Scientists” Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine
November 2012Presentation “Innovative Structures for Successful University/Industry Collaboration: What Works, What Doesn't & What Could?” AUTM Leadership Forum
June 2012Presentation “Terms to Consider in Global Pharmaceutical Agreements from a Licensee’s Perspective” CLE Presentation
March 2012Presentation “Mock Mediation: Time and Cost-effective Approaches to Resolving Technology Transfer Disputes” AUTM Annual Meeting
January 2012Presentation “Agreements Addressing the Coordination of Jointly Owned Intellectual Property Between Universities” AUTM Webinar
August 2011Presentation “Stanford v. Roche and the Practical Considerations Therefrom” CLE Course
August 2011Presentation “Negotiations of License Agreements” AUTM Webinar
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